
On this page, you can manage asynchronous integrations with third party applications such as Sage Intacct. This page includes a list of objects being processed that you can filter by key (item ID), status and version. Select a key for details about the object on the line.

You can filter the main list by Finance or Master data.

Use the refresh button to update the list and relevant statuses.

This information no longer displays on the Notification history page or the Sage Intacct mapping page on the Data tab.

This information displayed in the main list cannot be modified.

Data synchronisation

In general, data synchronisation works in the background asynchronously. However, there are situations when you can choose to synchronise one or multiple objects.

  1. Select one or multiple objects in the grid.

  2. A bar displays above the grid with options to

    Synchronise: Select this option to synchronise objects that were desynchronised or not integrated and you need to synchronise for the first time.
    Force synchronise: Select this option to force a synchronisation for objects with an error. If an object is pending, it is already synchronising and you cannot use this option.

  3. The grid updates when the new request to synchronise completes. Or, select Refresh to see any status updates.


Each object can have one of the following integration statuses.

  • Desynchronised: This object is no longer synchronised with the third party application. Select the icon at the end of the line to view a related message.

  • Error: The synchronisation failed; a message might display in the Last message column, or select the icon at the end of the line to view a related message. Remember that master data is synchronised at the top level. You can force synchronisation and see if that resolves the error.

  • Not integrated: The object is not integrated with Sage Intacct.

  • Pending: The object is waiting to be synchronised or is processing.

  • Success: The integrated object is synchronised across both solutions.

For finance documents synchronised with Sage Intacct:

If there is a communication error on a line, you can retry the synchronisation to see if that resolves the error. The retry is performed at the top or entity level according to the Transaction integration level setting.