Field descriptions: Work order
This page describes the fields for the Work order page. The fields in each section are listed in alphabetical order.
New work order panel
The following table also describes the fields for the Work orders window which is displayed when you select Duplicate for a work order.
Field | Description |
Category |
The category that defines whether the routing and/or bill of material need to be added to the work order when it's created. The default work order category is displayed but you can change it. The list of work order categories includes those delivered by Sage and work order categories created by your organisation that identify with your production processes. The following work order categories are delivered by Sage: Assembly: Create an assembly order. Only add the default list of components to assemble or to process the Released item at the specified Site to the work order. Do not add production operations to the work order. Normal: Create an assembly line order. Add the default sequence of shop floor processes and list of components to build or maintain the Released item at the specified Site to the work order. Rework: Create a production line order. Only add the default sequence of shop floor processes to rebuild or maintain the Released item at the specified Site to the work order. Do not add components to the work order.
Work orders window: You cannot specify the category. After you have created the duplicate work order you can edit the sequence of shop floor processes and list of components. |
Name |
The name of the item to build or maintain. The default is the Released item name. You can enter a different item name. |
Quantity |
The planned quantity. The quantity is expressed in the Stock unit defined for the item.
Work orders window: You cannot specify the quantity. After you have created the duplicate work order you can edit the Released quantity. |
Released item |
The name of the item to build or to maintain. The released item is defined as a bill of material.
Work orders window: You cannot specify the released item. A duplicate work order is for the same released item as the current work order. |
Requested start date |
The planned production start date. The default is today's date. You can select a different date. |
Site |
The production site code.
Work orders window: You cannot specify the site. A duplicate work order is for production at the same site as the current work order. |
Type |
The initial work order status. Select Firm or Planned. Firm orders: You can track production of, and component consumption for firm work orders. Planned orders: You cannot track planned work orders.
Work orders window: Sage suggests you leave the initial status of the duplicate work order the same as the current work order status. |
Work order number |
The work order reference. You can enter your own alphanumeric reference for the work order or you can leave the field blank to generate the next sequential work order number. If you are using sequential work order numbers, the components that make up the structure of the generated work order number are determined by the assigned sequence number. You can view the individual components, length and any constants in the number on the Sequence number page. |
Assigned orders window
Displayed when you select the Assigned to icon or Assign order from the More actions icon for the work order. The work order is a make-to-order (MTO) created to meet a demand order, such as a confirmed sales order. Use the window to view information about the demand order and the specific line on the demand order from which the MTO was created, and to edit the quantity to build for the demand order if the MTO is at Pending or In progress status.
Field | Description |
Assigned quantity |
The requested quantity to build for the demand order. The quantity is expressed in the Stock unit defined for the item. |
Remaining quantity | The quantity of the item that does not need to be built for the demand order. |
Required quantity |
The demand order line quantity. The quantity is expressed in the Sales unit defined for the item. |
Assigned orders grid
Field | Description |
Assigned quantity |
The requested quantity to build for the demand order. You can edit the quantity to build fewer than the demand order line quantity but you cannot build more than the requested demand order quantity. The quantity is expressed in the Stock unit defined for the item. |
Assigned to | The type of demand transaction from which the MTO was created. |
Order | The demand order reference from which the MTO was created and a link to open the demand order. |
Quantity not assigned | The quantity of the item not assigned to the demand order. |
Quantity on order |
The demand order line quantity. The quantity is expressed in the Sales unit defined for the item. |
General block
Field | Description |
Allocation status |
The current status of stock allocations to the work order component numbers. This field is only displayed if the work order Status is Pending or In progress. Not allocated: Stock is not yet allocated to any work order component numbers. You can allocate component stock to reserve it for production. Partially allocated: Only some of the component stock needed for production is allocated and reserved for the work order. Allocated: All component stock needed for production is allocated and reserved for the work order. Not managed: The work order is a production line order that does not reference components. |
Category |
The Category assigned to the work order when it was created. The assigned category can be from those delivered by Sage or a work order category created by your organisation that identifies with your production processes. The following work order categories are delivered by Sage: Assembly: The work order has been created as an assembly order. Only the default list of components to assemble or to process the Item at the specified Site were added to the work order. Production operations were not added to the work order when it was created. Normal: The work order has been created as an assembly line work order. The schedule of operations and the list of components to build or maintain the Item at the specified Site were added to the work order when it was created. Rework: The work order has been created as a production line order. Only the default sequence of shop floor processes to rebuild or maintain Item at the specified Site were added to the work order. Components were not added to the work order when it was created. |
Completed quantity |
The finished quantity. The quantity is expressed in the Stock unit defined for the item. |
Currency | The company currency for the production site. |
Date closed | The date the work order was closed. |
End date |
The end or required completion date. It represents a target production delivery date. The default end date is based on the production lead time for the item from the start date. When the work order is scheduled, the end date is based on times for successive production operations and the shift patterns for the individual operation resources. |
Item |
The name of the item to build or maintain. The item is defined as a bill of material (BOM). |
Released quantity |
The planned quantity. The quantity is expressed in the Stock unit defined for the item. |
Requested start date |
The planned production start date. Select a different date if required. |
Scheduling status |
The stage of the work order in the scheduling process. Not scheduled: The work order is not scheduled. Scheduled: The work order is scheduled. To reschedule: The Requested start date was changed after the work order was scheduled. You need to schedule the work order. Not managed: The work order does not need to be scheduled so scheduling was skipped, or the work order has no production operations, or the work order was created as a direct order when tracking a receipt from production to a bill of material (BOM) and is completed. |
Site | The production site name. |
Start date |
The required production start date. Select a different date if required. |
Status |
The current work order status or progress of the work order. This field is updated automatically. Pending: The work order is awaiting tracking. In progress: One or more components, operations or released items are tracked for the work order. If the work order has been created directly from the bill of material, you might need to progress the related tracking documents that are not yet posted. You can view the list of related tracking documents and their posted status in the Trackings grid. Completed: The work order is complete. All components, operations and released items are tracked in full. You can still edit the work order. Closed: The work order is complete. Production has ceased and the work order is closed. No further changes to the work order are permitted. |
Type |
The initial work order status. You can change the initial status. Select Firm or Planned. Firm orders: You can track production of, and component consumption for firm work orders. Planned orders: You cannot track planned work orders. |
Uses bill of material |
Indicates whether the work order is an assembly line or assembly order with a list of components defined. If selected:
If clear, you can add either the default list of components or an unplanned component to the work order. If you add any components after creating the work order you cannot reverse your decision. The Uses bill of material checkbox is disabled. You cannot clear the checkbox to remove the new components, you can only delete the component numbers one by one. Remember that if you select the Uses bill of material checkbox after creating the work order, the work order might not appear to reflect the work order Category.
Uses routing |
Indicates whether the work order is an assembly line or production line order with a sequence of shop floor processes defined. If selected:
If clear, you can add either the default schedule or an ad hoc production operation to the work order. If you add any production operations after creating the work order you cannot reverse your decision. The Uses routing checkbox is disabled. You cannot clear the checkbox to remove the new operations, you can only delete the operation numbers one by one. Remember that if you select the Uses routing checkbox after creating the work order, the work order might not appear to reflect the work order Category.
Planned versus actual block
Field | Description |
Cost |
The breakdown of the costs involved in building or maintaining the Item for the work order. |
Planned |
The planned production costs total. Total: The sum of the planned production costs (material costs and process costs). Material cost: The sum of the planned component costs (from the component Planned cost fields). Process cost: The sum of the planned operation costs (from the operation Planned cost fields). The Planned Material cost is calculated from the current cost of each individual component, as determined by the defined valuation method for the component. The Planned Material cost might therefore be a combination of component standard costs, average costs and FIFO tier costs.
Actual |
The current tracked production costs total. Total: The sum of the tracked production costs (material costs and process costs). Material cost: The sum of the tracked consumed component costs (from the component Actual cost fields). Process cost: The sum of the tracked operation costs (from the operation Actual cost fields). |
Production |
The progress of the quantity of finished items received from production as a percentage of the released quantity. The progress line compares the Completed quantity field against the Released quantity field. |
Process |
The progress of the tracked time as a percentage of the total planned time. The progress line compares the sum of the operation Actual setup time and Actual run time fields against the sum of the planned operation Setup time and Run time fields. |
Material |
The progress of the tracked quantity of components consumed for producing the finished items as a percentage of the total required quantity of components. The progress line compares the sum of the component Consumed quantity fields against the sum of the component Required quantity fields. |
Operations grid
The schedule of operations needed to build or maintain the item.
Field | Description |
Actual cost | The actual cost tracked for setting up and running the machines, tools and labour resources used for the operation. |
Actual run time |
The actual time tracked for the machine, tool, labour resource or resource group assigned to perform the operation. The time is displayed as a proportion of the run time for a single Batch quantity of the Item, where the Batch quantity is the optimal size of the production batch. The time is expressed in the Run time unit defined for the production operation. |
Actual setup time |
The actual time tracked for preparing the machine, tool, labour resource or resource group assigned to perform the operation before production started. The time is expressed in the Setup time unit defined for the production operation. |
Added | Indicates if the operation number is an unplanned operation that's not defined in the routing. |
Completed quantity | The quantity tracked against the operation expressed in the Released quantity unit. |
End time |
The scheduled operation completion date and time. The work order is scheduled. The end date and time is based on the operation sequence number and the shift patterns of the individual operation resources. |
Name |
The production operation name. The name could describe what the operation involves. |
Operation number |
The operation sequence number or the stage of production in the routing. The Operation number can represent a group of production operations that's been set up then arranged by priority order. |
Planned cost | The total cost of setting up and running the machines, tools and labour resources used for the operation. |
Planned quantity | The planned quantity expressed in the Released quantity unit. This field is updated automatically. |
Production step | Indicates the step in the production process at which the item can be received into stock. |
Progress |
The progress of the actual setup and run times represented as a percentage progress line against the total Setup time plus Run time. |
Resource group number | The number of resources assigned to the production operation. |
Run time |
The actual time the machine, tool, labour resource or resource group that's switched on works to produce the Released quantity. The time is displayed as a proportion of the Run time for a single Batch quantity of the Item, where the Batch quantity is the optimal size of the production batch. The time forms part of the Planned vs. actual costs summary. It's expressed in the Run time unit defined for the production operation. |
Setup time |
The actual time it takes to prepare the machine, tool, labour resource or resource group before production actually starts. It displays the longest Setup time from the list of individual resources and resource groups assigned to the Operation number. For example, it displays 30 minutes if there are 2 resource groups assigned to the production operation, one with a Setup time of 15 minutes and one with a Setup time of 30 minutes. The time forms part of the Planned versus actual costs summary. It's expressed in the Setup time unit defined for the production operation. |
Start time |
The scheduled operation start date and time. The work order is scheduled. The start date and time is based on the operation sequence number and the shift patterns of the individual operation resources. |
Status |
The current operation status or progress of the operation. Pending: The operation number is awaiting tracking. In progress: The operation number is tracked. You cannot exclude a production operation that's in progress. Completed: The operation number is complete. Excluded: The operation number is excluded. It will not be included in the shop floor processes for the work order. Included: The operation number was unplanned and has been added. |
New and Edit work order operation panels
Field | Description |
Capability level |
The level of expertise needed to perform the operation. The level should reflect the expected behaviours, practices and processes that are required to reliably and sustainably perform the operation to produce the finished item. |
Instructions |
A free-format text box that you can use to enter a comprehensive and informative description of the production operation and links to supporting documentation for building the finished item. |
Name |
The production operation name. The name could describe what the operation involves. |
Operation number |
The operation sequence number or the stage of production in the routing. The Operation number can represent a group of production operations that has been set up then arranged by priority order.
Production step | The step in the production process that indicates that the item can be received into stock. |
Run time unit |
The unit of time used for the production costs calculations. The default time unit is the Time unit defined for the routing. |
Setup time unit |
The unit of time used for the production costs calculations. The default time unit is the Time unit defined for the routing. |
New and Edit work order operation resource panels
Field | Description |
Operation | The production operation name. |
Resource for quantity produced |
The switch to turn the resource or resource group on or off. You might turn an active resource off to use a different resource in the routing when, for example, a machine resource has failed or is undergoing maintenance. |
Resource group | The individual resource name or the resource group name that will perform the production operation. |
Run time |
The actual time it takes for the machine, tool, labour resource or resource group assigned to the operation to produce a single Batch quantity of the Item. The time is expressed in the Run time unit defined for the production operation. |
Setup time |
The actual time it takes to prepare the machine, tool, labour resource or resource group before production actually starts. The time is expressed in the Setup time unit defined for the production operation. |
Resources grid
Field | Description |
Active from |
The earliest date the resource assigned to the resource group is available to perform the production operation. The date is defined in the resource record. |
Active to |
The latest date the resource assigned to the resource group is available to perform the production operation. The date is defined in the resource record. |
Description | The description of the resource assigned to the resource group. |
ID | The code that identifies the resource assigned to the resource group. |
Name | The resource name assigned to the resource group. |
Resource grid
A resource is a machine, an operator, a tool or a group of similar resources such as a set of operators that perform the same sort of work.
Field | Description |
Actual cost | The actual cost tracked for setting up and running the machine, tool, labour resource or resource group assigned to perform the operation. |
Actual run time |
The actual time tracked for the machine, labour resource or resource group assigned to perform the operation. The time is displayed as a proportion of the run time for a single Batch quantity of the Item, where the Batch quantity is the optimal size of the production batch. The time is expressed in the Run time unit defined for the production operation. |
Actual setup time |
The actual time tracked for preparing the machine, labour resource or resource group assigned to perform the operation before production started. The time is expressed in the Setup time unit defined for the production operation. |
Added |
Indicates if the resource or resource group is assigned to an unplanned operation or that time has been tracked for a resource or resource group that was not the default resource assigned to the production operation. |
End time |
The scheduled operation completion date and time. The work order is scheduled. The end date and time is based on the operation sequence number and the shift patterns of the individual resources for the operation. |
ID | The code identifying the resource or resource group that will perform the production operation. |
Name | The resource name or resource group name that will perform the production operation. |
Planned cost | The total cost of setting up and running the machine, tool, labour resource or resource group assigned to perform the operation. |
Progress | The estimated progress of the operation represented as a percentage progress line against the Run time. |
Resource for quantity produced |
Indicates that the resource is confirmed as ready to perform the production operation. |
Resource number | The number of resources in the resource group assigned to the production operation. |
Run time |
The actual time it takes for the resource or resource group assigned to the operation to produce a single Batch quantity of the Item. The time is expressed in the Run time unit defined for the production operation. |
Setup time |
The actual time it takes to prepare the resource or resource group assigned to the operation before production actually starts. The time is expressed in the Setup time unit defined for the production operation. |
Start time |
The scheduled operation start date and time. The work order is scheduled. The start date and time is based on the operation sequence number and the shift patterns of the individual resources for the operation. |
Status |
The current status or progress of the resource or resource group to be used for or that will perform the production operation. Pending: The operation is awaiting tracking. In progress: The resource or resource group is tracked against the operation. You cannot exclude a resource or resource group that's started production. Completed: The resource or resource group has completed the operation. Excluded: The resource or resource group is excluded from performing the production operation for the work order. Included:
Resource detail grid
The grid only contains data if a resource group is assigned to the operation.
Field | Description |
Active from |
The earliest date the resource is available to perform the production operation. The date is defined in the resource record. |
Active to |
The latest date the resource is available to perform the production operation. The date is defined in the resource record. |
Description |
The description or role assigned to the resource. The description is defined in the resource record. |
ID | The code identifying the resource assigned to the resource group. |
Name | The resource name assigned to the resource group. |
Type | The resource type. For example, a machine, a tool, an operator. |
Components grid
The list of components needed for the finished item, the material requirements.
Field | Description |
Actual cost | The actual cost of the component consumed for the Completed quantity of the Item. |
Added | Indicates if the component number is unplanned or a comment line. |
Allocation status |
The current status of stock allocations to the work order component number. Not allocated: Stock is not yet allocated to the work order component number. You can allocate component stock to reserve it for production. Partially allocated: Only some of the component stock needed for production is allocated and reserved. Allocated: All the component stock needed for production is allocated and reserved. Not managed: The component is not managed in stock. Blank or not displayed: The component status is Excluded or Completed, or the work order is complete and is Closed. |
Available stock quantity |
The quantity of the component available to allocate to orders. |
Component description | The component name defined on the Item record or the edited name that's commonly used for the component at your production site. |
Component number | The sequence number of the component in the bill of material (BOM) or the order of the component in the bill. |
Consumed quantity | The quantity of the component consumed and tracked so far. |
Item description |
The full item description. |
Item ID | The component code. |
Item name |
The component name. |
Operation |
The operation sequence number or the stage of production in the routing that consumes the component. |
Planned cost |
The total cost of the component that will be consumed for the Released quantity of the Item. The total planned cost is calculated from the current cost of the component, as determined by the valuation method defined for the component. For a component valued at:
Progress | The progress of the Consumed quantity represented as a percentage progress line against the Required quantity. |
Required quantity |
The quantity of the component needed to produce the Released quantity of the finished Item. The figure is calculated from the Release quantity and the component quantity defined in the bill of material. |
Scrap factor % | The percentage of the component expected to be lost during the production process. |
Status |
The current status or progress of the component number. Pending: The component number is awaiting tracking. In progress: The component has been consumed and tracked. You cannot exclude a component number that's been consumed. Completed: The component number is consumed and tracked in full. Excluded: The component number is excluded from the bill of material for the work order. Included: The component number is unplanned. It was added when tracking the materials consumed for the work order. The Consumed quantity is tracked manually. |
Stock shortage |
The quantity of the component needed to produce the Released quantity of the finished Item. |
New and Edit work order component panels
Field | Description |
Component description |
Type is Normal: Leave as the item name or enter the name that's commonly used for the component at your production site. The item name is defined on the Item record. Type is Text: The free-format comment. You have unlimited characters with which to add information to support your production process. |
Component number |
The component sequence number in the bill of material (BOM) or the order of the component in the bill.
Fixed quantity |
Indicates how the required component quantity is calculated. Type is Normal:
Type is Text: The checkbox is not available. |
Instructions |
A free-format text box that you can use to enter a comprehensive and informative description of the component and links to supporting documentation for building the finished item. |
Item |
Type is Normal: The component code. Type is Text: The field is not available.
Edit work order component panel: You cannot change the item. |
Link quantity |
Type is Normal: The quantity of the component in the component Unit of measure needed to produce the Release quantity of the Item. The Required quantity of the component is calculated from the value. Type is Text: The field is not available. |
Operation |
Type is Normal: The operation sequence number or the stage of production in the routing that consumes the component. Type is Text: The specific operation sequence number in the routing the free-format comment applies to. |
Required quantity |
Type is Normal: The quantity of the component needed to produce the Released quantity of the finished Item. The figure is calculated from the Link quantity, the component Unit of measure, the Scrap factor % and the Release quantity. Type is Text: The field is not available. |
Scrap factor % |
Type is Normal: The percentage of the component expected to be lost during the production process. Type is Text: The field is not available. |
Type |
The purpose of the work order component line. Select Normal or Text. Set to Normal to add a stock item. The component can be a single item or raw material or a bill of material (BOM) as a new subassembly. Set to Text to add a free-format comment.
Edit work order component panel: You cannot change the type. |
Unit of measure |
The component Stock unit. The Stock unit is defined on the Item record. You cannot change the unit of measure for the BOM. |
Edit work order component panel: Stock tab
The fields on the Stock tab are for information only. You cannot edit them. The tab is not displayed for text lines.
Field | Description |
Allocated quantity |
The quantity of the component allocated to the line to reserve the stock. |
Allocation status |
The status of the stock allocation to the component line. Not allocated: Stock is not allocated to the component line. Partially allocated: Stock is partially allocated to the component line. Allocated: Stock is allocated to the component line in full. |
Available stock |
The quantity of the component available to allocate to orders. |
Quantity to allocate |
The quantity of the component needed to produce the Released quantity of the finished Item. |
Remaining quantity |
The quantity that still needs to be allocated to the component line. |
Stock on hand |
The total quantity of the component in stock. |
Stock shortage |
The quantity of the component needed to produce the Released quantity of the finished Item. |
Stock shortage status |
The current stock availability status for the quantity of the component needed to produce the Released quantity of the finished Item. Available stock: The full quantity needed is available in stock. Stock shortage: There is insufficient stock of the component. The shortage quantity is displayed in the Stock shortage field. |
Detailed stock allocation window
Displayed when you select Allocate stock from the More actions icon for a component number. Use the window to view information about the component stock that's available to allocate to the work order and to allocate stock to reserve the component stock for production.
Field | Description |
Item |
The item name to allocate from stock to the work order. The item is defined as component in a bill of material. |
Remaining quantity |
The quantity of the Item not yet tracked. This is the total of the Required quantity less the Selected quantity. The Remaining quantity can be less than the Required quantity if the lots or storage locations to allocate the item from are not suitable. The quantity is expressed in the Stock unit defined on the Item record. |
Required quantity |
The quantity of the component still needed. This is the total of the component Required quantity less the component Consumed quantity. The quantity is expressed in the Stock unit defined on the Item record. |
Selected quantity |
The quantity of the Item tracked in the Stock allocation grid so far. The quantity is expressed in the Stock unit defined on the Item record. |
Stock site | The site name where the component is stored. |
Stock unit | The unit in which the Item is stored in the specific Lot or storage Location. |
Stock allocation grid
Field | Description |
Available quantity | The quantity of the Item in the specific Lot or storage Location that's available for orders. |
Expiry date |
The date after which the items in the lot should not be used. |
Location |
The specific storage space in the warehouse or workshop to allocate the Item from. Location management is only possible if activated for the stock site. |
Lot |
The identification number or batch code to allocate the Item from. Lot management is only possible if the Item is managed by lot on the Item record. |
Quantity to allocate |
The quantity of the Item in the specific Lot or storage Location to allocate and reserve for production. The quantity is expressed in the Stock unit defined on the Item record. |
Serial number |
Serial number entry instructions. To select: The component is serial numbered. You can add serial numbers to the Serial numbers grid to reserve for production. Partially allocated: There's a discrepancy between the allocated component quantity and the allocated quantity of serial numbers. You can add more serial numbers to the Serial numbers grid to reserve for production. Selected: All the component serial numbers are reserved for production. |
Status | The inspection and quality assurance rating of the Item in the specific Lot or storage Location. |
Serial numbers grid
Field | Description |
From serial number |
The serial number or the lowest of a range of component serial numbers to reserve for production. |
Quantity |
The quantity of sequential component serial numbers to reserve for production. 1 if the reserved components have ad hoc serial numbers. |
To serial number |
This serial number is updated automatically. It displays the last serial number of a range of sequential serial numbers or the From serial number if the Quantity is 1. |
Dimensions window
Defines attributes and dimensions that can be used to aggregate financial information for analytical purposes.
You can only select dimensions and attributes that already exist.
Field | Description |
Channel |
Identifies a channel dimension. |
Department |
Identifies a department dimension. |
Employee | Identifies an employee attribute. |
Project |
Identifies a project attribute. When you include a project, the Task field is available. |
Region | Identifies a region dimension. |
Task | If you selected a project, identifies a task. Tasks are linked to projects. |
Pregenerated serial number panel
Displayed when the work order has been approved for full production as a firm work order and serial numbers have been generated to use for an operation in the routing.
Field | Description |
In stock |
Indicates if the pregenerated serial number has been used during the production process and has been tracked into stock with the finished item from the production receipt. |
Serial number |
The pregenerated serial number. |
Trackings grid
Updated after you track receipt of a finished item from production on the Bill of material page. The Trackings grid displays the related material issue, production receipt and time tracking documents and their posted status.
Field | Description |
Date |
The tracked document posted date. |
Document number | The tracked document number and link to open the tracked document. |
Document type |
The document associated with the work order that was created and tracked automatically when the work order was created. |
Site | The production site code. |
Status |
The current posted status or progress of the tracked document. This field is updated automatically. Completed: The tracked document is complete and is posted. The components, operations or released items are tracked in full. In progress or Error: One or more components or operations are not yet tracked for the work order. You need to progress the documents that are not complete. |
Select criteria panel
Displayed when you select Pick list from the More actions icon for the work order. The panel defaults to the current work order but you can print a pick list for a different work order, a range of work orders or all work orders.
Field | Description |
From released item To released item |
A range to filter for item names. The item is defined as a bill of material. For a single released item, enter or select the same item code for the From released item and To released item fields. For a range of released items, enter or select the required item codes. For all released items, leave blank. |
From work order number To work order number |
A range to filter for work order references. For a single work order, enter or select the same work order reference for the From work order number and To work order number fields. For a range of work orders, enter or select the required work order references. For all work orders, leave blank. |
From work order start date To work order end date |
A date range to filter for planned production start and end dates. For a single day, enter or select the same date for the From work order start date and To work order end date fields. For a range of dates, enter or select the required production start and end dates. For all work orders, leave blank. |
Site | The production site code. |