Job schedule

Use this page to view and schedule tasks to run when and how often you decide.

The main list displays jobs that you scheduled. It includes information like the frequency, or "Cron schedule," if the job is active or not, and when the next job runs, if applicable.

Create a batch task

When you select Create, the New batch task wizard guides you through the process. Tasks are active by default. Below are some key points to remember when following the wizard:

  1. Decide how often to run the task:

    Run now: The job runs as soon as you complete all steps in the wizard. It does not repeat.

    Run once: The job runs at a time that you decide. It does not repeat, but you define when and at what time the job runs.

    Recurring: The job repeats on a schedule you define. You can delay the start and decide if the job runs daily or weekly. And you can decide when the job stops repeating.

  2. Next, define the job to run.
    When you select Run now, you have a list of several jobs to choose from.
    For example:

    Create journals from accounting staging: This job generates journal entries. You can also run this job from the Generate journal entries page.

    MRP synchronise BOM: This job synchronises the data used for MRP calculations.

    Purge history: This job deletes the list of executed jobs on the Execute history tab. By default, this job runs monthly in the background.

  3. If you're scheduling a job once or recurring, you need to select a date and time in the future. The time is in 24-hour format.

    If the job is recurring, you also need to define if the job runs on a specific day or days of the week or weekly.

    At time sets when the job runs for each iteration.

    Start time is the time when the job can begin on the selected Start date.

    And you have the option to set when the recurring job stops running, by entering a specific date and time.

  4. After selecting the job, you need to enter settings related to the specific job.
  5. When you select Finish, a job set to Run now is executed. Other jobs are scheduled according to your settings.

Edit a batch task

From the main list, select a task. This opens the task in Split view.

You can edit all fields except the following:

  • ID

  • Operation

  • Execution user

Delete or make a task inactive

If you want to pause a recurring task, you can change the Active switch to OFF.

To delete a task, just select the Delete icon.